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Investing money Media package for secondary level I
16.04.2020 DE
Short film from the media pact "Dealing with Money" for lower secondary school. Moderated by Philipp Walulis.
Paying with money Media package for secondary level I
16.04.2020 DE
Short film from the media pact "Dealing with Money" for lower secondary school. Moderated by Philipp Walulis.
Planning with money Media package for secondary level I
16.04.2020 DE
Short film from the media pact "Dealing with Money" for lower secondary school. Moderated by Philipp Walulis.
Statement by Jens Weidmann on the Annual Report 2019
Bundesbank posts distributable profit of €5.9 billion in 2019
28.02.2020 DE
The Bundesbank posted a profit of €5.8 billion for the 2019 financial year. Following adjustment of the reserves, the Bank registered its highest distributable profit since 2008, at €5.9 billion.
“Lower risk provisioning is the main reason for this strong rise in the profit for the year,”
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann explained. -
Financial Stability Review 2019
21.11.2019 DE
Risks to the stability of Germany’s financial system have continued to build over the course of 2019.
“An unexpected economic downturn and abrupt rise in risk premia could hit Germany’s financial system hard,”
explained Bundesbank Vice-President Claudia Buch at the press conference on the Financial Stability Review. -
Euro20plus zum zweiten Mal in Frankfurt
19.11.2019 DE
250 young people come together to discuss digitalisation, sustainability and the future of Europe at Euro20plus on 15. and 16. November.
What ist money?
10.07.2019 DE
We use money every day, taking it for granted in our daily lives. At the same time, money is one of the most important business areas for any central bank. But what exactly is money? What forms does it take, and what are the characteristics that turn something into money? We answer these and other questions in the following animation film.
What is interest and what are interest rates?
In our everyday lives, we are regularly confronted with terms that carry "interest" in their names. But what exactly are interest rates and what influence do they have? We want to get to the bottom of the most important interest terms and economic interrelationships in this explanatory film.