A student in her room while studying ©Personalwerk

Accommodation and meals

Accommodation and meals are provided for all students during the theoretical studies at the university, including at weekends. The only time that the university does not offer any services is between Christmas and New Year, during the lecture-free period. However, the rooms can still be used during this period.

As a general rule, students are accommodated in double rooms during the foundation course and single rooms during the advanced course. However, since the pandemic outbreak in March 2020, the university has switched completely to single room occupancy until further notice. Depending on how full the university is, some of the students in higher years might also be accommodated in modern single rooms in a student residence within walking distance. All rooms, whether located in the castle or the student residence, have modern furniture, desks and shelves as well as a bathroom. In addition to a TV connection and free internet connection, bedding and towels are provided and the latter changed when the rooms are cleaned every two weeks. Moreover, washing machines and dryers as well as irons and ironing boards can be used free of charge.

The university's kitchen provides full board, with the cook not only ensuring that fresh salads are always on offer but also that there is a vegetarian option. The students always help themselves to food at the buffet.

The costs of accommodation and meals are based on the legal provisions for civil servant pay. As studying civil servants, the students receive trainee civil servant pay (around €1,320). The costs of accommodation and meals during the theoretical studies are deducted from this figure each month. Full board and lodging costs €474.85 per month for a single room and €378.45 for a double room (figures for 2019). If students have their own flat, the relevant regulations on entitlement to reimbursement of travel costs and to family separation allowance apply. Students are given comprehensive information about this before commencing their studies during the "get acquainted days".

Furthermore, if parents, brothers or sisters, husbands, wives or partners want to visit and see for themselves what life at the castle is like, they can reserve a moderately priced room at the weekend (bed and breakfast), subject to availability.