Structure and flow

Study stage Duration Content of Module (EN = lectures are hold in English) 

Practical studies

1-2 Weeks

Overview of the recruiting authority including interdisciplinary functions, Part 1

Foundation course

6 Months

Methodological foundations

Introduction to business administration

Introduction to the banking industry

Introduction to the legal system: Basic Law, Civil Code and Commercial Code

Principles of economics (EN)

Practical studies

5-7 Weeks

Overview of the recruiting authority including interdisciplinary functions, Part 2

Advanced study

6 Months

Quantitative methods

Business administration: deepening of knowledge

Payment transactions

Credit and banking supervision

Monetary economics (EN)

Practical studies

2 Months

Organisation and tasks of a Bundesbank branch

In-depth study 1

6 Months

Bank and central bank management

Analysis of financial statements and financial instruments

Financial markets and international economics (EN)

Organisation, human resources management and contract management

Banking, securities and insurance supervision

Practical studies

3 Months

Organisation and tasks of banking supervision

Organisation and tasks of areas with operational, operative monetary policy and financial stability functions

In-depth study 2

4 Months

Case studies on monetary policy and financial stability (EN)

Case studies on financial supervision

Case studies on payment transactions

Managing people and organisations in changing contexts

Financial Econometrics

Process and project management

Bachelor's thesis

8 Weeks

The Bachelor's thesis provides students with the opportunity to prove their ability to produce academic work independently by preparing a written report on a practical academic issue.

By defending their Bachelor's thesis, students will prove that they have acquired sound knowledge of the topic they worked on and that they are able to explain and justify the methods employed and results obtained.

Practical studies

5 Months

Organisation and tasks of areas with operational, operative monetary policy and financial stability functions

Organisation and tasks of areas with interdisciplinary functions

Internship at a different suitable institution in Germany or abroad

Organisation and tasks of banking supervision

Professional specialisation at the recruiting authority

Organisation and tasks of a Bundesbank branch

Final oral exam

In the interdisciplinary exam, students should demonstrate that they can make links between the content of the modules completed during their in-depth study periods and prove that the knowledge and skills they have acquired are sufficient to meet the requirements of the Bundesbank's Upper Intermediate Service.