Transition in UAS leadership

Photo shows Doctor Andreas Kremer ©Marcus Kaufhold
On 1 February 2021, 38-year-old Professor Andreas Kremer became “second in command” at the Bundesbank’s University of Applied Sciences (UAS), that is to say Rector Erich Keller’s deputy. Professor Kremer took up his post as a university lecturer at the Bundesbank five years ago. He was previously employed as a tax advisor at a law firm in Limburg whilst at the same time holding a variety of lecturing posts at different universities. “Teaching suits me and I enjoy it” says Professor Kremer. In Hachenburg, he lectures students in all aspects of accounting. And this will continue to be the case, albeit on reduced hours; as deputy rector Professor Kremer, whose Ph.D. was in business administration, is still a member of the full-time teaching staff and has also managed the examination office at the Bundesbank’s University of Applied Sciences for the past four years. 

Professor Oliver Kruse, University of Applied Sciences of the Deutsche Bundesbank ©Oliver Rüther Photographie
His predecessor as deputy, Professor Oliver Kruse, remains a full-time lecturer at the university and will continue to teach business administration. In addition, he will expand his conceptual work relating to public relation events. “The new orientation of my job profile will give me the opportunity to focus even more on what makes a university lecturer,” Professor Kruse explains. He first managed an academic conference on the topic of financial supervision seven years ago in Frankfurt; this event has now become an annual fixture (taking place in a virtual format for the first time last year). Professor Kruse is now tasked with developing concepts for further academic conferences and organising and developing institutionalised events such as the open days or the International Week in Hachenburg, where the UAS is based.