© Marcus Kaufhold
Professor Andreas Kremer Deputy Rector at the Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Main areas of teaching
- General business administration
- External accounting, especially financial statement analysis and consolidated financial reporting
- Internal accounting
- G2-2 Cost accounting
- A2-1 Single-entity and consolidated financial statements
- V2-1 Analysis of financial statements
Curriculum vitae
- Degree in business administration, University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Research assistant in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, specialising in business taxation, University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Awarded PhD (Dr rer pol) by the University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Appointed tax advisor
- Several years' experience working as a tax advisor and team leader in a medium-sized tax consulting company, primarily providing advice to banks, German affiliates of international groups and wealthy individuals
- Several years' experience working as a lecturer
- Deputy Head of University
Research interests
- Banking-specific issues relating to tax and commercial law
- Taxation of capital income
- Income tax law
- Accounting tax law
- Accounting pursuant to the German Commercial Code and IFRS
- Rechnungslegungsvorschriften in Kapitalanlagemanagement für Solvency II – Versicherungsunternehmen (gemeinsam mit Anke Lenk), Herausgeber: Kruse, Oliver/Schaumlöffel, Kay-Uwe, Stuttgart, 2020.
- Dreieckskonstellationen von Personengesellschaften im internationalen Ertragsteuerrecht, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2011.
Special functions
- Deputy Head of University