Practical study at the Bank of Finland
The Deutsche Bundesbank offers its students the opportunity to complete the final practical phase of their studies at an external European or German institution.
Hanna Schönewolf took advantage of this opportunity and spent her seven weeks at the Central Bank of Finland (Suomen Pankki) in Helsinki. There, she gained insight into the Bank’s communication department, which currently has 20 Finnish employees. “It was very exciting to find out about the work done at another central bank in the European System. The activities are similar in principle, but there are some differences such as the size of the institution,” Ms Schönewolf remarked. Compared with the Deutsche Bundesbank, which is the largest European central bank, the Central Bank of Finland is rather small. The atmosphere there is, according to Ms Schönewolf, almost familial.
“I am very pleased with the experience I was able to gain in Finland and greatly appreciate the opportunity to work abroad during my studies. I am especially happy that the Bundesbank supported me in organising my stay, so I didn’t have to figure it out all on my own,” said Ms Schönewolf when summing up her practical phase.