Publications by Uwe Schollmeyer

Selected publications and conference papers

Contributions to collections and proceedings

  • M Diehl and U Schollmeyer.: Liquidity-Saving Mechanisms: Quantifying the Benefits in TARGET2, in: Hellqvist/Laine (eds) Diagnostics for the financial markets – computational studies of payment system: Simulator Seminar Proceedings 2009-2011, Helsinki, 2012, pp 411-430
  • Payment Systems in a multinational currency union – is a reform of TARGET2 necessary?, in: Castañeda/Roselli/Wood (Hrsg.), The Economics of Monetary Unions – Past Experiences and the Eurozone, London, 2020.

Conference papers

  • Discussion of "Settling Low Value Payments in Real Time: The experience of the Mexican RTGS" by Biliana Alexandrovna Kabadjova, 8th Bank of Finland Payment and Settlement System Simulator Seminar, 27 August 2010.
  • Liquidity-Saving Mechanisms: Quantifying the Benefits in TARGET2 (with Dr Martin Diehl), 9th Bank of Finland Payment and Settlement System Simulator Seminar, 25 August 2011.

Selected Bundesbank presentations and lectures (internal)

  • National Peculiarities of TARGET2-BBk Group of Authorised Overseers, seminar in Helsinki, 15 June 2010.
  • Development of TARGET2 balances
    (with Dr Martin Diehl), lecture series organised by the Markets Department for money traders at commercial banks, Frankfurt Regional Office, 29 June 2011.