Publications by Professor Christopher Priberny
- Christopher Priberny
The impact of COVID-19 on demand and lending behavior in prosocial P2P lending
Credit and Capital Markets 56, S. 5-26.
- Christian Kreuzer and Christopher Priberny
To green or not to green: The influence of board characteristics on carbon emissions
Finance Research Letters 49, S. 103077
- Gregor Dorfleitner, Christopher Priberny und Michaela Röhe, Why do microfinance institutions fail socially? A global empirical examination, Finance Research Letters, still in the process of being printed
- G Dorfleitner, C Priberny, S Schuster, J Stoiber, M Weber, I de Castro and J Kammler, Description-text related soft information in peer-to-peer lending - Evidence from two leading European platforms, Journal of Banking and Finance 64, pp 169-187
- G Dorfleitner, S Just-Marx and C Priberny, What drives the repayment of agricultural micro loans? Evidence from Nicaragua, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, still in the process of being printed
- G Dorfleitner, M Leidl, C Priberny and J von Mosch, What determines microcredit interest rates? Applied Financial Economics 23(20), pp 1579-1597
- G Dorfleitner, M Leidl and C Priberny, Explaining Failures of Microfinance Institutions, Social Science Research Network: SSRN
- G Dorfleitner and C Priberny, A quantitative model for structured microfinance, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 53(1), pp 12-22
- C Priberny and G Dorfleitner, Risk perception and foreign exchange risk management in microfinance, Journal of Management and Sustainability 3(2), pp 68-78
- G Dorfleitner, M Leidl and C Priberny, Microcredit as an Asset Class: Structured Microfinance, in: Mobilising Capital for Emerging Markets: What Can Structured Finance Contribute?, Springer, Berlin, Germany
Eva-Maria Ferstl, Johannes Gerer, Christopher Priberny and Manuel Seitz, Wie können Privatanleger durch den Einsatz von Hedge-Fonds profitieren?
in: Hedge-Fonds - Chancen und Risiken, FAZ-Institut für Management, Markt- und Medieninformationen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- 2 - 4 August 2023: The impact of COVID-19 on demand and lending behavior in prosocial P2P lending. World Finance Conference 2023, Kristiansand, Norwegen.
- 14 - 16 December 2022, What drives the loan funding on the peer-to-peer platform Kiva? Australasian Finance & Banking Confernce 2022, Sydney, Australien.
- 1 - 3 August 2022: The Perception of Brexit Uncertainty and How It Affects Markets. World Finance Conference 2022, Turin, Italien.
- 3 - 15 December 2018: Why do microfinance institutions use foreign currency debt? Australasian Finance & Banking Confernce 2018, Sydney, Australien.
- 16 October 2015: Description-text-related soft information in peer-to-peer lending – Evidence from two leading European platforms. FMA 2015, Orlando, USA.
- 21 September 2015: Description-text related soft information in peer-to-peer lending – Evidence from two leading European platforms. Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences, Hachenburg, Germany
- 1 - 3 June 2015: Explaining failures of microfinance institutions. 4th European Research Conference on Microfinance 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
- 23 - 25 April 2015: Explaining failures of microfinance institutions. Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference, Oxford, UK
- 2 - 4 July 2014: Explaining failures of microfinance institutions. World Finance Conference 2014, Venice.
- 27 - 28 September 2013: Modeling defaults of rural micro loans. DGF 2013, Wuppertal, Germany
- 10 - 12 June 2013: What determines microcredit interest rates? Third European Research Conference on Microfinance 2013, Kristiansand, Norway.
- 4 - 6 October 2012: What determines microcredit interest rates? DGF 2012, Hanover, Germany.
- 16 - 18 June 2011: Risk perception and FX risk mitigation in MFI refinancing. Second European Research Conference on Microfinance 2011, Groningen, Netherlands.
- 16 - 18 June 2011: A Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance. Second European Research Conference on Microfinance 2011, Groningen, Netherlands.
- 8 - 9 October 2010: A Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance. DGF 2010, Hamburg, Germany.
- 30 September - 1 October 2010: A Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance.(Poster), CREDIT 2010, Venice, Italy.
- 1 - 3 September 2010: A Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance. OR 2010, Munich, Germany.
- 14 May 2010: Perspectives and a Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance. University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia.
- 19 May 2010: Perspectives and a Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance. UTS University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.