Photo shows Professor Lilli Zimmermann ©Marcus Kaufhold

Professor Lilli Zimmermann Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences

Main areas of teaching

  • Economics
  • Applied econometrics


  • G5a Principles of economics: basic concepts (EN)
  • G5c Macroeconomics (EN)
  • A5a Macroeconomic basics of financial markets and monetary policy (EN)
  • A5b Central banking and the conduct of monetary policy (EN)
  • V3-2b Exchange rates, open-economy macroeconomics and international macroeconomic policy (EN)
  • W1a Comparative studies of monetary policies of important central banks (EN)
  • W1c Case studies on financial market turbulences (EN)
  • W5  Financial Econometrics

Curriculum vitae

  • Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Georg-August University in Göttingen
  • Semester abroad at the University of Valencia, Spain
  • MA in International Economics, Georg-August University in Göttingen
  • Research assistant in the Macroeconomics and International Economics Department as well as at the Centre for European Studies (CEUS), Professor Michael Frenkel, WHU –  Otto Beisheim School of Management
  • Awarded PhD by the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
  • Economist, European Central Bank, External Developments Division
  • Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank, Monetary Policy and Analysis Division
  • Economics lecturer at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management and the Academy of Business Administration and Economy (Verwaltungs – und Wirtschaftsakademie) in Coblenz
  • Association for Research Promotion in Development Economics (Executive Board Member)

Research interests

  • International macroeconomics
  • Monetary and fiscal policy
  • Expectations formation on the financial markets