© Marcus Kaufhold
Professor Christoph Schmidhammer Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Science
Main areas of teaching
- Microprudential banking supervision
- Bank management
- Quantitative methods
- Business administration
- A4-2 Fundamentals of banking and financial services supervision
- V1-1 Bank management
- V2-1 Analysis of financial statements
- V5-1 Basel Capital Accord
- W5 Financial Econometrics
Curriculum vitae
- Trained as a car mechanic
- Studied business administration at the University of Regensburg, including a period of study abroad at University College Dublin.
- Consultant for banking and network business at the Bavarian Association of Cooperatives (Genossenschaftsverband Bayern e.V.), Munich; responsibilities included holding business workshops on controlling in banks; providing credit cooperatives with support in the areas of risk management, ratings and MaRisk, and implementing Basel II in credit cooperatives in Bavaria.
- Research assistant in the Department of Business Administration, specialising in financial services, Professor Klaus Röder, University of Regensburg; responsibilities included teaching classes on decision theory, capital market management, financial management and selected case studies on financial services.
- Awarded PhD by the University of Regensburg. Title of doctoral thesis: Essays on Index Product Pricing
- Lectured financial mathematics and overall bank management at the “Akademie Bayerischer Genossenschaften”
Research interests
- Market microstructure (ETFs, certificates, futures markets, indices)
- Operational risk
- Banking
- Product pricing