Photo shows students in a seminar at Schloss Hachenburg


Degree programme concept

The educational concept of the Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences (hereinafter "University") has had the following hallmarks since it was founded in 1980.

  • Orientation to the Bundesbank (-> focus on the Bundesbank's core business areas)
  • Dual studies (-> dovetailing of theoretical studies and practical experience)
  • Dual qualification (-> students obtain a university degree and simultaneously qualify for a career in the upper intermediate service at the Deutsche Bundesbank)

The Bachelor's degree programme essentially follows these guiding principles, but places even greater emphasis on the role of the Deutsche Bundesbank in the Eurosystem and on teaching methods rather than just transferring knowledge. In addition, students are offered options for shaping their course of study, meaning that although they gain an overview of all core business areas of a central bank, they can additionally acquire an in-depth understanding of certain business areas and the key methods in use there.

The degree programme culminates in a Bachelor of Science degree, as quantitative business administration methods (in particular, in the fields of banking supervision, accounting, analysis of financial statements and financial issues, controlling, corporate finance, financial mathematics, statistics and IT) form a common thread throughout the programme, representing roughly half of the curriculum. The bilingual title of the degree programme ("Zentralbankwesen/Central Banking") reflects the fact that the curriculum is largely international in nature due to the Deutsche Bundesbank being part of the ESCB and therefore selected classes and lectures are held in English.

Besides the quantitative and English-language content of the curriculum, the degree programme comprises a host of modules which focus on the application and interpretation of laws and regulations as well as internal rules and regulations at the respective authority. Given that the Bundesbank has the status of a supreme federal authority with a wide range of responsibilities in the fields of currency and financial markets, this legal orientation is well justified. With the exception of a few modules, which deal exclusively with legal topics, the legal issues – in keeping with the interdisciplinary approach of the degree programme – are taught together with issues relating to banking operations and financial mathematics.

The dual concept of the Bachelor's programme ensures a high degree of practical relevance through constant alternation between theoretical and practical modules, offering content which is coordinated by the University.