Alumnus portrait

Photo shows Stefanie Schlothauer

Stefanie Schlothauer
Graduated in October 2013


  • October 2010 to September 2013
    BaFin civil service trainee studying at Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences in Hachenburg, graduating with a Diploma in Business Management (University of Applied Sciences)
  • October 2013 to September 2016
    Upper Intermediate Service staff member, Market Abuse Analysis Division, BaFin
  • Since October 2016
    Higher Service staff member, Market Abuse Analysis Division, BaFin


Describe your current tasks.

My division's main task is to monitor trading in financial instruments for possible insider trading or market manipulation. This involves evaluating securities transactions and diverse sources of information with regard to conspicuous trading participants and information relevant to market abuse. We also produce expert opinions on market abuse-related issues for courts and public prosecutor's offices. My responsibility as a Higher Service staff member additionally encompasses the fascinating field of international cooperation, including, for example, exchanging views with other national supervisory authorities, and participation in European task forces and working groups.

How did your studies at the Bundesbank's University of Applied Sciences prepare you for the demands of your job, especially your current position?

Firstly, the course of study at Hachenburg lays a solid foundation by imparting knowledge of a broad range of topics from the fields of finance and supervision. Right from the start, the combination of theory blocks and practical application blocks prepared me perfectly for my future work at BaFin. This meant that, on the one hand, I gained a solid overview of the responsibilities of BaFin as a whole, with all its different business units, while on the other hand, the lectures on financial instruments, trade and securities supervision, in particular, equipped me for my current duties in market abuse analysis.

How has studying at the Bundesbank's University of Applied Sciences formed you?

Certainly, working and living together in close quarters was a particularly formative element of my university studies. It not only resulted in friendships which have lasted up to the present day, but also enabled the development of a widely branched network of "Hachenburgers", which can be helpful in many a professional situation today.

What was the biggest challenge you faced while studying?

Since I was still studying under the old Diplom degree course, the greatest challenge was the enormous workload caused by the concentration of exams at the end of each semester and, above all, during the career development examination at the end of my degree course.

Do you still feel connected to "your" university?

I will always look back happily on the three years I spent at the castle, because of its family atmosphere and the special time I spent there. Even today, I follow current developments with interest, and am always glad when the civil service trainees bring me up to date – I now act as their tutor when they take their practical training blocks in my division.